Why Is Nationalism Important To The Unification Of Italy

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Nationalism was very important as regards to the unification of Italy. It played various roles which led to success of the Italian unification, which means that nationalism is the main reason the unification of Italy occurred. The unification of Italy was as a result of the reaction against the congress of Vienna. The congress of Vienna forced direct Austrian rule in many Italian states. Unification also led to economic development and was thereby supported by conservative Politicians. The unification of Italy led to an improvement in the country’s economy and political aspects. Unification is good for a country; it leads to a larger market, more uniform currency, manufacturing standards, and reduction or elimination of tariffs. One of the factors of unification is nationalism. Nationalism is the strong…show more content…
Most of the Italian states where united under piedmont. The Austrian possessions which were not seized in 1860 were then joined with the help of Bismarck in the year 1866. Before and during 1860, Cavour showed the most amazing skill to unite his country. The unity of Italy would not have been possible if they defied both the countries of France and Austria that possessed great powers. Cavour then brought Napoleon III to his side with the cities of Nice and Savoy. Italian nationalism is linked back to 1797 when Napoleon took control of the Italian peninsula and created the puppet Kingdom of Italy. He joined smaller Italian city-states into larger units to make his rule more effective. He thought Austria was weakening as he created a united and powerful Italy. Giuseppe Garibaldi was able to harness the power of the mass, most especially the peasants. It took fast thinking and talking, with some wonderful maneuvering to get Garibaldi to hand over the throne to the king. Cavour was behind this and he was the important man behind the unification of Italy. Garibaldi’s campaign had strong features of
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