What Is the Lure of Criminal Activities

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In spite of the fact that phenomenon of youth delinquency has been under study for a long time, it is still impossible to be definitive about the causes of youth offences. Nowadays most scientists believe that youth crime is called forth by the presence in the adolescent’s life of a combination of risk factors, and the lack of protective ones. (US Department of Justice, 2001) In this paper we will try to address factors which make criminal activities so attractive for young people. First of all, adolescents tend to percept criminal activities as something exciting to do. So, crimes seem to help them diversify their lives and, by-turn, feel themselves different from their peers. Secondly, by committing crimes young people have a chance to express their cynic attitude towards those with authority. Moreover, crime attracts children and youth by easy opportunities to get money, which is often associated with popularity in peer groups. General yearning for becoming more popular among peers is a powerful trigger for becoming involved into youth crime. When we consider social factors, which underlie youth delinquency, it is hard to underestimate the sense of belonging, which young people experience, being involved in gangs. Solitude and lack of support in family and community environments are often the reasons for a young person to become psychologically dependent from a gang. Society seem to fail to provide youth with chances for occupation and self-actualization. (Weatherburn D., 2001) Therefore, young people commit crimes, “having nothing to lose”. As media have popularized “the cult of heroes”, which promotes justice through physical elimination of enemies, young people start to consider criminal behavior an appropriate way for reaching whatever goals. (UN World Youth Report, 2003) As youth delinquency is multifaceted phenomenon, enough attention should be paid to

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