What Is An Ideology

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What is an Ideology? What is an Ideology? Ideology in my opinion is a term used to loosely now days. The current definition states that an ideology is a set of ideas that constitutes one's goals, expectations, and actions. But to me an ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision or a way of looking at things with a modern world view prospective and according to each individual. Ideology is a term that was developed and used in a very socialist tradition to explain how cultures are structured in ways that enable the group holding power to have the maximum control with minimum quarrel. This doesn’t mean that groups consciously arranged to oppress people or alter their 'consciousness' (although its fair to say that it might have happened), but rather a matter of how the governing institutions in humanity work through things such as morals, attitudes, conceptions of humanity, institutions, cultures, peoples, and systems, symbol in order to legitimize the current order and power structures so that these are perceived to be "for the greater good of humanity", "normal" or "make universal sense". Better yet Ideology is a social adoption of ideas that explain the way things are. How and why the world really works and should work. Some conceptions of ideology see ideology as the structure of assumptions which are a representation of the imaginary relation of individuals to the real condition of existence. Ideology creates us as persons, it gives us a sense of being, an existence if you will. Through Ideology people accept or reject the current way of doing things, they understanding or explain what is natural or is perceived as, and accept their role in society. Ideology brings about socialization or is a partner in crime with, and brings about the process of shaping our cognitive and emotional interpretations in our social world. Ideology achieves its role
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