What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy?

2016 Words9 Pages
What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy? * Democracy, according to Schmitter and Karl, is a system of governance that consists of many different forms, mainly including direct democracy, representative democracy and republican that rulers are responsible for their actions in the ‘public realm’, which means collective norms and choices that are binding to the society and backed by state coercion by citizens, allowing extensive representation and inclusiveness of as many people and views as possible to aim at a fair and just society. It runs in accordance to the ideals of universal freedoms such as the right of free speech and its people enjoy self- determination. In modern world, democracy is spreading its dominance and autocratic countries, like Egypt and Tunisia, have turned to the path of democracy as attracted by its benefits in political, social and cultural, economic, military and individual aspects. Yet, many have neglected its enormous potential dangers. Democracy, regardless of a direct or representative one in form of parliamentarianism, like that in Britain and Germany or presidentialism in USA and semi- presidentialism in France, in political aspect, the systems and mechanism engendered by it is more justified, lateral, representative, transparent and less prone to corruption. Since most democracy is bounded by a constitution and the country is ruled by laws rather than the decisions and privileges of the autocrats and there is separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary sectors from the senates, consuls and tribunes, the power is mutually checked and balanced and every one will be equal in front of laws, so the functioning of the state will be more justified. Since democracy is having relatively stronger civic rights and weaker state power, which is quite people oriented as the parties and the members of the
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