Westernization vs Cultural Diversity

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Westernization vs. Cultural Diversity ` Think about the future where everyone will be the same. Think about the future where there will be no diversity. Think about the future as one big culture. This is the future the world is heading towards. Westernization is taking over worldwide. It is destroying the cultural diversity around the world. Westernization is where a western culture is adopted in societies. The norms and practices of the western culture are becoming the standard and acceptable way of life. While westernization is taking control of societies around the world, nations are losing the value of its traditional culture. Traditions are beliefs and behaviors passed down through generations. They are slowly disappearing and soon in the near future, some traditions are going to become extinct. Even in multi- cultural societies in western countries such as Canada, the western culture is dominating individuals own distinct traditional culture. Human civilization is transforming from having many different unique cultures into one western culture. “The fact that we are all humans does not mean that we are all the same. To ignore this would mean to destroy God’s own beautiful rainbow made from the many colours of cultural diversity”. Several factors are occurring impacting this culture shift. This is taking place through fast advancing economies and technology, cultural influence on people by the west and immigration to western countries. Thus, westernization is making traditions unidentifiable. In this highly- advanced and fast advancing society where economies are competing to grow and technology is becoming a need in life, people are losing touch with their traditional way of life. People prefer to live in a more advanced society like people in western countries. A nation shifts from being a traditional rural society to becoming a more urbanized,

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