Vocabulary Teaching Essay

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CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY 1. Introduction 2. Method of investigation 2.1 The Sample Design 3.2 The Questionnaire 3.3.1 Teachers’ Questionnaire Sample Description Questionnaire Description Questionnaire Design 3.3.2 Learners’ Questionnaire Sample Description Questionnaire Description Questionnaire Design CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY 1. Introduction This chapter includes detailed description of the population of the study, instruments and methods employed to gather the required data . Also we deal with The Vocabulary Teaching Materials in New Prospects 2. Method of investigation 3.1 Teachers’ Questionnaire 3.2.1 Sample Description The sample of this study consists of English language teachers at the secondary school level. Most of them have taught third year learners. The sample consists of 15 teachers taken from four different secondary schools: 1. Le Lycée Polyvalent ( Lycee Mekioui Maamoun Mascara ). 2. Le Lycée Abi Ras El-Nassiri 3. Le Lycée Djamel Eddine El Afghani. 4. Le Lycée de jeunes filles. Schools | N of Teachers | 1. Le Lycée Polyvalent ( Lycee Mekioui Maamoun Mascara ). | 4 | 2. Le Lycée Abi Ras El-Nassiri | 3 | 3. Le Lycée Djamel Eddine El Afghani. | 5 | 4. Le Lycée de jeunes filles. | 3 | Total | 15 | Table 1 : : Number of teachers from each school 3.2.2 Questionnaire Description 20 Questionnaires were given to the teachers but only 15 questionnaires were given back. The teachers were required to answer 15 questions by crossing the right box and making sentences when necessary. The aim of the questionnaire is to investigate the teachers’ views on

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