Venture Smith's Account of Slavery

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Venture Smith was captured, and forced into slavery as a boy in the early 1700’s. Through a series of violent events, Smith’s reaction to enslavement evolves throughout his years as a slave. Like his father Saungm Furro, the history of violence perpetrated by the invading “white nation”, is what he grows up to despise. Venture Smith was only a boy when he was enslaved and captured. Being so young, he was a submissive participant in his enslavement. Smith states that his first encounter with his capturers was being bashed over the head with the fore part of a gun, while being grasped around his neck. (“Venture Smith’s Account of Slavery and Freedom” pg.113 p.2) Smith also witnessed the torture and inhumane death of his father Saungm Furro. Later in life Smith recalls an incident where he fights back against his masters. After protesting a previous attack to the justice of the peace. His masters begin to beat him with great violence. Smith fought back with indignation and thwarted his attackers. Venture Smith Stated that during his initial capture, his father Saungm Furro fought with extreme bravery. He recounts the details of the torture his father had to endure. He states: that his father despised all the tortures, which they inflicted upon him. “Venture Smith’s Account of Slavery and Freedom” (Pg. 113, p.2). While Being interrogated his father showed resolve by not giving up his riches, and eventually dying with integrity. Smith puts great importance to his dad, and reveres him as a man of great character. As a young boy Smith’s innocence was stolen, when he saw his father being tortured and killed. The horrors of these events shaped him to become more rebellious of his masters later in life. At this malleable age Smith saw the bravery in which his father fought. He values himself and embodies the rebellious spirit of his father. These types of values are the means
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