V for Vendetta

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Compare the beginning and the end of a film you have studied, commenting on contrast and links developed between them. The beginning of V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue, starts off with a scene of Guy Fawkes attempting to blow up the buildings of parliament and failing. That scene ends with him being publicly executed by hanging. The final scene of the film was the fire works coming off the destruction of the buildings of parliament. There is many connections from the beginning scene to the final scene in the film, the director does this to emphasise how history repeats itself and how an idea, unlike a man, is ‘bulletproof’ and can live forever. An obvious connection between the two scenes is the plan to destroy the buildings of parliament with fireworks. Guy Fawkes is a man that is known for wanting to blow up the buildings of parliament because he didn’t agree with the government at the time. Thankfully for the British government, he was caught and executed before he could attempt the plan again. The film is set hundreds of years after Guy Fawkes in a dystopian world of England that is controlled by a much stricter British government called Norsefire. The contrast is that in the final scene the plan succeeded. Both scenes were set on November the 5th though the final one was hundreds of years later. The director links the shots of the fireworks in the final scene to Guy Fawkes as in the real world November the 5th is often celebrated with fireworks (even though that holiday was abolished in the dystopian society) so the fireworks is a blatant symbol for Guy Fawkes. The shot of the fireworks give the audience hope that V would be remembered for hundreds of years after his death just as Guy Fawkes would and it shows how even if a man dies, the ideas he holds and the legacy he leaves can live forever. Another link between the beginning and the
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