Utopic To Dystopic Society

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Giuseppe Iuliucci Dr. Hogsette ICLT 303-W01 December 2, 2011 Utopic to Dystopic Society: Possibility in the Future? Everyone wishes that they could look into the future and see what it holds for them, but we all know that this is not possible. Instead some people look towards current events and trends that have been going on to possibly predict what might happen. The future could really change for the good or the bad, or in the case for this paper: utopic or dystopic. The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and the film Blade Runner by Ridley Scott both take place in a dystopic future that was aimed to be a utopian society. It is almost certain that when trying to create a utopian society and dystopic society will be created instead. To start off we should differentiate between what a utopia is and what a dystopia is. After looking through several dictionary websites I have come to the conclusion that a utopia is where all conditions in society are perfect and there are no problems whatsoever. On the other hand, a dystopia is when a utopia goes wrong and several elite people in the society take over control and basically use everyone to their advantage. During the 1930’s there were many movements that could be closely associated to this utopic and dystopic views. Amongst this time was the beginning of the Great Depression and World War I. Totalitarianism had come out of this which would be associated with a dystopic society where elite individuals decide to run a whole country by force and basically make everyone under them a slave. In the article, “Alienation in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World” by McQuail it was said that, “The way Huxley’s dystopia treats humanity’s estrangement from an inner life is what makes his vision truly disturbing. Where Karl Marx proposes the abolition of private property as a means to end economic and religious

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