Using Material from Item 2b and Elsewhere Assess the Contribution of Functionalist’s Sociologists to Our Understanding of the Family

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Item 2B “For functionalist sociologists, the family is an important institution in society. They see the family as having a number of roles essential to the smooth running of society. For example, the family is seen as key to socialising children into the norms and values of society. Other sociologists argue that the functionalist view is too uncritical and ignores the conflict that takes place within the family.” For functionalist sociologists the family is an important institution in the modern day society. Functionalists like Murdock, Parsons and Fletcher see the family as having a number of essential roles to give a ‘smooth running society.’ George Murdock, a functionalist, looked at 250 societies in the US. In each of the societies family was seen as the most important institution and whilst looking at these societies he defined the family as, ‘a social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. This included adults of both sexes who were socially approved with one or more children own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults.’ Murdock argued that the family needs to fulfil four functions, sexual, reproductive, economic and educational. Sexually, married adults who enjoy a healthy sex life prevent affairs which ensure the children are raised by the natural parents. Reproducationally, they will make the next generation. Economically the ideal is that the man will go out to work and provide food and shelter whilst the women will look after the house, cook and clean whilst looking after the children. The last function Murdock believes that the family should fulfil is education of socialisation; the children will learn the culture norms and values of society. However, Parsons a functionalist also focused on American families but argues that the family has two key functions. Primary socialisation, the children

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