Using Example Examine the Similarities and Differences in the Way That Developed and Less Developed Countries Have Undergone Population Change.

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Less economically developed countries (LEDCs) are in stage 2 and 3 of the demographic transition model. This means that the countries have falling death rates due to better health care, clean water supplies and improvement in sanitation so less diseases spread. While they have high birth rates this increases the population rapidly, which means that they have many young dependents birth rates stay high because traditional or culturally important to have a large family and Children are a valuable source of labour and income for a family. They can work on the land from a young age and as they get older they can earn money in other jobs. . This is different to more economically developed countries (MEDCs) as they have low deaths rates and low birth rates. Low births rates are due to women rights and more career options which leads to later marriage so they have fewer children. LEDCs and MEDCs population change is similar as they both have a ageing population which is increasing this is due to improvement in health care, clean water supplies, improvement in housing and good sanitation. Also the ageing population is high because when they were born the country was in a stage with a high birth rate so there is a high greying population. Most MEDCs are experiencing slow rates of population growth and some are experiencing population decline. MEDCs are in stage 4 of the demographic transition model, the population is high, but not growing. Some countries have a declining population and could be said to be entering stage 5. This means that the birth rate in their country has fallen below the death rate. Most MEDCs have a very low rate of natural increase. Whereas in LEDCS there is a high population growth as death rates are decreasing but birth rates are still staying high. Both MEDCs and LEDCS have a large dependency ratio. This is due to in the LECDs because of the high

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