Promoting equal opportunities Including freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ability, sexuality or religion. In the care workers duty they must ensure that everything is available within reasons. Choices should be offered and by no means imposed. Inclusion is by including the service user in everything that includes them. Including the freedom to choose lifestyle, self-presentation, diet and routine.
Unit 207 Understand person centred approaches in adult social care settings. Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support. 1.1 Define Person centred values. Person centred values means the people whom we support are treated as equals and are involved in all aspects and areas of their care and that they are respected and valued as individuals. This means being involved in their assessments, care delivery and support planning, basically person centred values is making sure all approaches, policies and procedures and care practices put the residents at the centre of the day-to-day activities.
Unit 305 Outcome 1) 1) Person centred values ensure that each individual resident receives adequate care based on their personal wants and needs. Person centred values make sure that the care is planned around a specific individual and that they are at the heart of every decision. Throughout a health and social care setting being able to demonstrate person centred care can involve professionals, families, the individual and carers. Aspects of daily care should involve person centred values because each resident is different and will need to be treated as an individual. As a carer I demonstrate person centred values by relating to what each resident would like, what care they need, what assistance they will accept and treating each resident as a separate person but at the same time treating everyone equally.
Ethnics, religions and economic backgrounds. Because of this integration of culture diversity and their dignity should be respected. All cultures have the right to appropriate human rights and protection even though some cultures may interpret this a little different than others. “Universal human rights reflect the dynamic. Coordinated efforts of the international community to achieve and advance a common standard and international system of law to protect the human dignity”.
The Right To Respect | The right to respect is an individual’s right to be shown consideration and courtesy and to be treated properly. No matter what a person’s background they should still be treated with respect. | The Right To Be Treated As An Individual | Everyone has the right to be treated as an individual. The care provider should take into account that everyone has different beliefs and abilities etc. therefore the care provider should respect those beliefs even if they do not share them.
We must treat every individual the same regardless of any medical conditions, religions, culture and life style and deserves the same care and respect. 1.2 Critically review approaches to person-centred practice Person centred practice is needs-led, in that it should cover every aspect of an individual’s health and social care requirements. There are many different approaches however there are elements that should be included in all approaches. * Rights - supporting and encouraging an individual to maintain their rights * Independence - promoting, enabling and encouraging an individual to be as independent as possible. * Choice - allowing, ensuring and promoting individuals to have and make choices.
Those who work within a health and social care setting must follow a charter. According to, a charter is the grant of authority or rights, stating that the granter formally recognizes the prerogative of the recipient to exercise the rights specified. The purpose of charters is for individuals to understand what is expected from them in their profession or job role. This will help the service providers deliver the best possible care so that all service users needs are met. Charters promote anti-discriminatory practice as they describe the important of treating everyone equally, regardless of their values, religious beliefs and cultures.
Unit 203 Sarah Hornsby Diversity- Different beliefs and attitudes. For example beliefs,health status and intellectual ability of residents. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, it means understanding each individual is unique and recognising our individual differences. Equality Means treating everybody fairly and equal, making equal opportunities available, this involves respecting individuals differences. Inclusion involves making the individual the centre of their life, involving them in everything that is about them so they are actively involved in all aspects of their life, care and support.
for example some carers work with us who wear a head scarf because its part of her religion, everybody respects that and doesn’t treat her any different. What is equality? Equality means everyone should be treated equally regardless their age or gender, race, sexual orientation, religion. What does inclusion mean? Inclusion is based upon the idea of allowing everyone equal access to a service regardless of gender, disability, religion i e, There are many ways to ensure that your setting adheres to its inclusion policy.
We value each other and treat each othe equally because we know we are different, but we each have something to offer the world. It makes us stronger as