Unit 5, Assignment 1 the Organisation of the Human Body

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Unit 5 Assignment 1 A human cell contains eight organelles. For each organelle I have briefly outlined the function of them below: Mitochondria: Mitochondrion produces Adenosine Triphosphate known as ATP, which is energy. Mitochondrion is a double membrane with an inner layer that is folded to form cristae. On the cristae are enzymes linked to ATP formation. Also it is common in the liver cells, striated muscle and nerve cells. Golgi apparatus: Golgi apparatus is usually connected to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It stores and transports proteins and other substances manufactured by the ER. Golgi apparatus is made up of several folds of membranes and a collection of vesicles. The number of Golgi bodies in a cell varies according to its function. Animal cells contain 10-20 Golgi per cell. The Golgi apparatus is also responsible for producing lysosomes. Cell membrane: The electron microscope shows the cell membrane to be a lipid--*protein sandwich. The lipids are small, fatty molecules in two layers with larger protein molecules inserted at intervals partly or completely through the bi-layer. The lipid molecules are phospholipids; the phosphate head is water soluble and two lipid chains are insoluble in water; this is why the two layers align themselves with the lipid chains facing one another. The fluid surrounding cells (called tissue fluid) and the cytoplasm are both watery environments adjacent to the phosphate heads. Nucleus: The nucleus is usually the largest structure inside the cell and usually only has one per cell but is the cell’s most important feature. Also the nucleus can come in various shapes and is 10% of a cell’s volume. It is the information and administrative centre of the cell and is highly specialised. The two major functions of the nucleus is it stores the cells hereditary material and it coordinates the cells activities (DNA)

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