Unit 2 Question 3

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Question 3: The main Policies and Procedures of my work are: Health and Safety – maintaining a safe working environment for all staff and service users Moving and Handling – Ensure that the service user is not being put at risk when attempting to move them and that any equipment required is in a good, clean and working order. Confidentiality - maintaining, and ensuring other members of staff maintain, confidentiality of all service users. Ensure all records are kept securely in a safe place and cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons. Medication – to distribute medication according to instructions and ensuring that all medication is supplied to the correct service user, at the correct time and in the correct dose I meet all of these standards by: Deborah Smith *ensuring there are not any obstacles in the way that could cause slips or falls. *ensuring that both myself and all service users have the appropriate footwear on at all times *putting signs up when there is a wet floor Never trying to carry out a task on my own when it is obvious that another person is required *knowing the fire procedure policy *Basic hygiene *Using personal protective equipment (ppe) at relevant times *Ensuring that all moving and handling is carried out with the minimal lifting technique so as to avoid injury to myself or the service user. *Ensure that all equipment has been serviced and is in a good, clean working order, along with any attachments that are needed for it. *Making sure that when hand over is done at shift change that the office door is closed so that nobody outside of staff members are aware of what is being discussed *Not discussing other residents when in a separate residents room – or within earshot of a third party

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