Unit 11 Safeguarding Children

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Unit 11 – Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People – CYPW level 2 11-1.1 Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety 1. Children’s Act 1989 (11-1.1) 2. Children’s Act 2004 (11-1.1) 3. Every child matters (11-1.1) 4. Child protection (11-1.1) 5. Whistle blowing (11-1.1 & 11-3.4) 6. Bullying (11-1.1 & 11-3.3) 7. Data Protection/Confidentiality (11-1.1 & 11-3.5) Photocopy the legislation form; one form for each of the above. (on the reverse of this sheet/next page) |H Legislation/Policy Document | |LEGISLATION/POLICY TITLE: (please delete as appropriate) | | | |Where is this policy/information kept in your workplace? | | | | | |Who is your point of contact with regard to this policy/information? | | | |Units covered: | |Summarise the main points of this policy:
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