Undertake Physiological Measurement Essay

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Unit HSC 3052 Undertake physiological measurements Outcome 1 Understand relevant legislation, policy and good practice for undertaking physiological measurements 1.1-describe current legislation, national guidelines, organisational policies and protocols affecting work practice. Standard precautions, confidentiality, Health and Safety, Safeguarding Adults at Risk, Health and Social Care Act 2008, Mental Health Act 1983, Safer Moving and Handling, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Human Rights Act, Disability Discrimination and Race Relations Acts, the Health and Social Care Act and the Essential Standards and NICE guidelines Outcome 2 Understand the physiological states that can be measured 2.1- explain the principles of blood pressure to…show more content…
Results lower than this, and especially below 90% may be caused by problems including lung diseases, such as COPD, breathing difficulties, cigarette smoking or circulatory problems such as excessive bleeding or blood vessel problems. 2.5-explain the principles of body mass index (BMI) in relation to weight/dietary control Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. It is a good comparison to use to determine if a person is under-, healthy-, over-weight, or obese Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. 2.6- explain the major factors that influence changes in physiological measurements Several factors can cause changes in one or more of the vital signs: age, gender, heredity, race,lifestyle, environment, medications, pain, and other factors such as exercise and metabolism, anxiety and stress, postural. In the elderly, the efficiency of thermoregulation…show more content…
Outcome 3 Prepare to take physiological measurements 3.4- explain the help individuals may need before taking their physiological measurements They may need to be a certain position, reassurance, explanation, may need to have access to equipment 3.5- explain why it may be necessary to adjust an individual’s clothing before undertaking physiological measurements It might be necessary to adjust an individual’s clothing before undertaking physiological measurements in order to gain acces to a certain area of the body, in order for the clothing not to influence the measurement (eg. weight or temperature), in order for the individual to be comfortable while the measurements are being taken, etc. Outcome 5 Record and report results of physiological measurements 5.1-explain the necessity for recording physiological measurements Medication is given to relieve specific problems and recording physiological signs is a simple way to check that the medication is working. If a patient is given antibiotics to control an infection, then recording their temperature will show whether the medication is working. If the temperature remains high, this indicates the drug is not working and should be
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