Tropical Rainforest Lab Discussion

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Rainforests are characterized by high rainfall, with annual rainfall between 250 and 450 centimetres. There are two types of rainforest: tropical rainforest and temperate rainforest. Belize has three layers in the tropical forest known as the (A) Layer, (B) Layer and (C) Layer. These layers include emergent which are plants or trees taller than the surrounding vegetation is the understory layer of plants that grow in the shade of the canopy of a forest. The canopy is the zone of the highest foliage and branches of a forest. The layer which is the “shrub layer” and these are where the woody plant smaller than a tree, usually have several stems from the same base and where young tree, bigger than a seedling usually are. Lastly is the layer known as the ground layer which is the lowest part from the uppermost part. The rainforest traps about eighteen percent of manmade gases. Tropical rainforest are important because the plants provide chemicals used as blueprints for making most of the world's prescription drugs and they absorb excess carbon dioxide. The rainforest is set up in a way so magnificent that it includes a little of everything in nature. Many rear animals and plants live there and make it their home. A forest food chain would be one easy to construct as everything in a rainforest chains to each other easily. The function of the rainforest is to provide homes for certain animals, grow trees that could be used for making medicine and other products, stop sedimentation, water pollution, and flooding, produce biodiversity and more. Threats to a rainforest may include degradation and deforestation Belize should conserve its rainforest because it has many other uses other than for medicine. It provides great tourism for the luscious forests of Belize, provide agriculture and maintains the some cultures that had settled within them. Interaction between
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