Triage - fate

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In the novel Triage written by Scott Anderson, both Ahmet Talzani and Joaquin Morales seem to embody a fatalistic view of life, one in which reasons have to be created. Triage is ultimately a novel where there is a lack of hope. After Marks incident in Kurdistan we are instantly made to feel like the worst is yet to come with the use of strong and colourful language. Hope is distinguished when the whereabouts of Colin is unknown, and throughout Marks recovery there are constantly reminders that Mark will most likely never recover. Anderson shows that war has a damning effect on war journalists as well as soldiers, and that their loved ones and families are also heavily affected. One of these effects on the characters is that they lose a sense of hope and as a result, always expect the worse. Talzani depends on fate to answer the toughest questions in his life and to comfort him by covering up horrors in his past by blaming it on the power of fate, which is out of his control. Dr Talzani admits, ‘would you believe that sometimes I am so tired, or the cave is so dark, I’m not even sure of the colours I give them’. To make himself feel better he embodies a fatalistic view which is that ‘there is no pattern to who lives or dies in war’. His reliance on fate answers the tough questions and demons that he has inside him. ‘I know it is all fate. Once you understand this, it makes life here much easier, for you are freed of the idea that you can prevent something from happening’. Talzani’s reliance on fate relates to the theme of hopelessness, where things in war are out of our control and thus we cannot prevent something from happening. In the beginning of the novel the scene of the artillery shell is described using strong words which portray a sense of dire consequences and a feeling that Mark is destined for the worst. Phrases such as ‘torn flowers’, ‘unending
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