Transports System Within Animals

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Transport systems are groups of organs that help maintain a constant internal state (homeostasis) within multicellular organisms. Transport systems help to move materials (such as oxygen and nutrients), remove waste, transport signals and distribute heat. It is necessary for all the cells of an animal to be bathed in a constant environment with the correct osmotic balance, warmth, nutrients and oxygen. As animal cells became more isolated from their external environment, ways of transporting materials to and from these cells have developed. Different transport systems are used by different animal groups related to their habitat in order to occupy a specific ecological niche. Honey bees are a group of common insects that are found in countries where pollen and/or nectar can be retrieved from abundant flowers, mainly in the deciduous forests and grasslands biomes. Honey bees ensure the reproduction of many plants and are considered as one of the most important pollinators. All sorts of fruit and vegetables are pollinated by honey bees, such as broccoli and squash, apples and almonds. Honey bees are also colonial, and it is this adaption that allows them to survive through the winter. Within their natural habitat, honey bees build nests inside tree cavities and under edges of objects to hide themselves from predators. Honey bees, like all insects, have an open circulatory system meaning that the circulatory fluid (haemolymph) is not contained within vessels. Instead the haemolymph is contained in the abdominal cavity called the haemocoel. Haemolymph is greenish yellow in colour since oxygen is not transported in the haemolymph thus the red pigment haemoglobin is not present. The blood pressure of haemolymph is very low so it relies on the honey bee’s movement to return the haemolymph back to the heart. The heart of the honey bee is a muscular tube which is dorsally
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