Transpiration Lab Essay

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Transpiration Lab Essay a. Species A: 3.6 mL H2o-1.2 mL H2o 15 mins-5 mins. = 0.24 ±.01 mL H2o/100g of tissue/min Species B: 1.8 mL H2o-0.4 mL H2o15 mins. -5 mins. = 0.14±.01 mL H2o/100g of tissue/min Species A, losing water at 0.24 ±.01 mL H2o/100g of tissue/min, is losing water at a 0.1 mL H2o/100g of tissue/min more than Species B. In other words, Species A is transpiring faster that Species B. b. Species B could have a thicker cuticle than Species A. The cuticle lowers temperature and so the rate of evaporation of the leaf. Because of thicker waxy covering protecting leaf, it would be more difficult for water to escape the leaf, and leading to a decreased rate of transpiration in Species B. Another adaptation would be, Species A having a larger amount of root hairs than Species B, thus, with this increased number of root hairs, the transpiration rate would increase. With more root hairs, comes more absorption of water from the soil, increasing the amount of water carried to the leaves and eventually transpired through the leaves. Species A may have an increased amount of stomata on the leaves, providing more pores for transpiration to occur, thus increasing the rate of transpiration. c. Ψ = Ψp + Ψs Ψp, which is pressure potential and it, shows the tendency for water to move from an area from lower to higher pressure. Ψs, being solute potential, will show that water will move from an area of low solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration. Ψ = -iCRT The ionization constant (i) will show that the greater the ionization lower the water potential, which increases water movement. The greater the concentration (C), the smaller the water potential and it increases the movement of water. The pressure constant (R) does not change water potential and movement. Temperature (T), if increased, the potential for water will decrease and
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