Translator After Withdrawal

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Abstract The article ‘Uncertainty for Iraqi Translator after Withdrawal’ is a January 2012, NPR radio interview undertaken by radio journalist, Neal Conan, with a former Iraqi translator identified by his first name, Tariq, for his protection. In the transcript, Tariq explains the death threats he and other translators face for working with the U.S. Military. The interview also highlights the current difficulties of these translators who are now not working for the U.S. troops, which have been withdrawn. In addition, the interview also speaks of American military staffs who share their experience with these Iraqi interpreters. Finally, the transcript also highlights the expected success and problems of the invasion in the view of these interpreters,…show more content…
military, Tariq describes that he, like many other interpreters, is waiting for the completion of his immigration visas to the USA and he is jobless doing a little gardening at home. Tariq goes on to explain that even though he is very well connected amongst the troops, they have not been able to help him get a visa. Conan further discusses that a law has been passed which allows up to 20,000 Iraqi citizens who have worked for American troops to receive immigration visas. Tariq answers claiming that while the number is 25,000 citizens, only a maximum of 5,000 ex-workers will be provided immigration visas (Tariq, 2012, para. 14-15). Tariq has good relations with high ranking officers, like the American colonel who claims that “Tariq received many death threats and murder attempts. Tariq never faltered” (Tariq, 2012, para 18). In addition, another American lieutenant colonel claims that “I would employ and/or work with Tariq anytime, anywhere in the world” (Tariq, 2012, para 18). However, all these good relations and references are not enough for him to complete his visa application process; these references were rejected from departments to departments. His misery increased after the capture of two Iraqi immigrants on charges of abetting terrorism (Tariq, 2012, para.…show more content…
She explains how her group was closely associated with the interpreters working with them and points out how the interpreters she worked with received constant death threats. She reveals that on their withdrawal, two interpreters she worked with were murdered after leaving the army base. She further point out the struggles of these interpreters in getting an immigration visa due to the paperwork and procedures involved (Tariq, 2012, para 25-26). Marie also points out that despite these Iraqi people putting themselves at risk to help the American soldiers, not many Americans are aware of it. Conan asks Maria why he interpreters decide to help Americans. Marie answers that most of them do it not only for financial gain but also out of their loyalty to their country. They see the invasion of USA as a positive step for their country and are genuinely interested in helping rebuild it. Conan asks Tariq the same question and his reply is somehow interesting. He believed that Iraq would somewhat be a part of the USA and Americans would rebuild the entire infrastructure such that Iraqis would have the same basic services like good education, food and leisure. Tariq joined the American troops to help his country achieve it; however, due to political manipulations the results were not positive (Tariq, 2012, para.
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