To What Extent Was the British Defeat in the American War for Independence Mainly a Consequence of Incompetence in British Leadership?

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To what extent was the British defeat in the American War for Independence mainly a consequence of incompetence in British Leadership? The Declaration of Independence was collaborated and signed on the 4th of July 1776, upon the inscription it states that “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are lift, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Words forged in the fires and blood of war, words that now stands as the liberties America fought for, fought for In a war they saw impossible to win. British colonies had ruled throughout America since the early 17th century when Captain John Smith seized Jamestown where among others from the Virginia Company he set up trade routes back to Britain. After that moment the fate of the Americas had changed forever. Second President of the United States, and successor of George Washington, John Adams stated that the history of the American Revolution began as far back as 1620. "The Revolution," he said, "was affected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people." However in a practical sense tensions between the Americas and British ‘redcoat’ forces began to arise in 1763, more than a century and a half since the first colonial settlement. The conflict raged for a bloody 8 years with equal losses, atrocities and political blunders definable on both sides. The war itself was fought over a number of reasons, freedom, independence, British brutality yet, the Americans, a side of who had little military strength compared the British war machine were able to succeed in overthrowing British rule and ensue further victory by defeating and out casting colonial forces. Britain’s defeat in America remains, even today, a taint in the History of British military and it is widely

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