To What Extent Does The Relationship Of Catherine

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To what extent does the relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff show the breakdown of moral and social codes? Bronte creates an extremely complex relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine with them experiencing various struggles in their relationship, their decisions of how to deal with these struggles leave us questioning at first the characters themselves; their stark contrast in class, Catherine’s decision to rebel against the social trends, the way in which we never see the happy ending with them happily together and Catherine loving another man whilst married, but also Bronte and whether she is providing us with an authorial insight into her views of the social of moral codes of society at the time. Throughout Wuthering Heights Bronte displays to the reader the natural love that Heathcliff and Catherine develop for each other from an early age, “Nelly, I am Heathcliff!” This quotation that comes early on in the novel, in chapter nine, and illustrates how they have merged together despite the large difference in social status, the word “am” supports the idea of them merging as Catherine claims she is “Heathcliff” and together they are one person, one identity. Catherine’s desire to be associated with Heathcliff would be seen as unusual as people’s social status was particularly important to them and by getting involved in relationship with a “dark-skinned gypsy” it would diminish any reputation gained previously. Bronte may have done this simply to illustrate how Catherine will always have strong emotions towards Heathcliff regardless of their differences in wealth and background. This could be seen as a gothic element as it forebodes an unsuccessful relationship as this would disagree with the social norms at the time. Alternatively this could be seen as Bronte’s authorial voice commenting on the shallowness of society and how two people cannot be
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