To Kill A Mockingbird: Hardships In Life

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Jose A. Pena Clukie Final Exam (ESLN 100) December 18, 2012 Hardships in Life In life people go through a lot of hardships and still don’t give up, just like in the novel’s “A tree grows in Brooklyn”, “To kill a Mockingbird” and “Where the red fern grows”. Each of the characters of these 3 Novels went through a lot but that didn’t stop them to make their dream a reality even though sometimes they wanted to quit. These characters were very determined and worked very hard to achieve their goals and feel accomplished and capable of doing anything to chase their dreams. The Novel “A tree grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith was a very interesting book; I personally liked it a lot because it shows that people need to climb from the bottom…show more content…
This Book takes place in the 1930’s where a girl named Scout and her brother Jem grew up in Maycomb County, Alabama when racism was very common. Their father Atticus finch was a lawyer who tried to help Tom Robinson an African-American who was accused of raping a white girl. Right next to their house lived a recluse who never sets foot outside his house; his name is Arthur “Boo” Radley an intelligent child who was abuse emotionally by his cruel father. From beginning to end Boo Radley dominates scout and Jem imagination leaving little presents for them in a knot hole and appearing at opportune moments to save their lives. Boo Radley shows goodness but at the same time his actions seem to be creepy. In my opinion I am sure that Boo Radley is the character that is most like the Mockingbird because he is a good person injured by the evil of mankind, Like it says in the book “it’s a sin to kill or hurt a Mockingbird, Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy, they sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a…show more content…
He had a dream and is to get two coonhounds very badly but his father can’t afford to buy a hound dog so Billy said to himself that he was going to work hard in order to save the money and buy his dogs. He worked for two years selling fruit and bait to fishermen and helping his dad in the farm. When he finally had all the money he gave it to his grandfather so he can order the dogs, Once Billy got his dogs he named them Old Dan and Little Ann, he starts training the dogs and end up making of them the best one’s in town, However one Night his dogs tree a mountain Lion thinking that it was a raccoon, they start fighting the lion and old Dan gets badly wounded , he dies the next day and little Ann is so sad that she don’t want to live anymore ,she dies a couple days later, Billy then buried the dogs next to each other. For surprise for him, between the graves a beautiful red fern had sprung up from the rich mountain soil. I personally think that this is God letting Billy know that he had put the fern there for Billy to understand that his dog were a gift from him and that they are not dead because they still alive in Billy’s
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