Threats to the Weimar Republic 1919-1923

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The Weimar republic faced several problems throughout their short lived stint in power. They were threatened by repeated attacks from internal enemies on both the right and left. A serious threat came in particular from the extreme forces of the right wing nationalism who despised this new democracy. They also faced problems from those in high positions that rejected them. They were also in a country plagued by a financial crisis with the majority of the population automatically having hatred for the government. The treaty of Versailles also posed a serious threat to the government with the country left embarrassed by its ruling and the war guilt that Germany faced. The extreme right in particular were a threat to the republic. The actions of the Spartacists in particular concerned the leaders of the SPD as they knew that they could not rely on the support of the army in the face of a revolt. Thus a deal was done with the right wing (the pre 1918 military, judiciary and civil service). A deal with General Groener said that Ebert would protect the status of the army against the idea of a workers militia and thus in return the army would put down any revolutionary activity. Thus the right resumed their influence. Wolfgang Kapp was leader of the Patriotic Party and Luttwitz was leader of the Freikorps. In March 1920 the government ordered that the Freikorps disband in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles. Luttwitz refused and instead demanded the resignation of Ebert and new elections to the Reichstag. On the night of 12-13 March Luttwitz led his Freikorps into Berlin where they seized the government district of the city. The government ordered the act but the Head of the General Staff ordered his troops to stay in their barracks as they would not fire upon their own army. Luttwitz declared Kapp Chancellor. The government fled to Dresden and appealed to the workers
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