The Vienna Settlement

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How far were the aims of the peacemakers achieved by the Vienna Settlement of 1814-5? After the devastation brought about by the Napoleonic wars, which affected almost every country in Europe at one point or another, the peacemakers at Vienna were faced with the hard task of creating a lasting peace to create a stable Europe. This was the main aim of all of the peacemakers as all were tired of war. Britain also saw that they could gain from a lasting peace as their trade would flourish. Talleyrand wanted to emphasise that France was no longer a threat. A lasting peace would benefit all. This was achieved quite far. Europe was more secure in the 20th century than it was previously in the 19th century. Also, compared to later treaties, such as the Treaty of Versailles, the settlement lasted a long time, as there was no major war until the Crimean War in the 1850s. Finally, the spirit of the Congress System lasted forty year. However, there were negatives. The historian, Seaman argues that it was the determination of the great powers themselves after 1815 that prevented further wars, not the actual treaty itself. This was because there was no promise of action against aggressors expressed in the treaty. Also, it is believed that by ignoring the ideas of liberalism and nationalism, the treaty caused further revolutions to occur in 1820, 1830 and 1848 which disrupted the status quo, if only somewhat briefly. The peacemakers also wished to create a just equilibrium in Europe so that no one country could dominate the others. The ‘balance of power’ concept referred to territorial size, troops available, population, commercial trade and industrial capacity. Even though each power agreed on this principle, the concept meant something different to each one. This was because they all wanted their own country to be stronger than the other powers. As Dakin
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