The Theory Of Continental Drift

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First proposed by Alfred Wegener the meteorologist, the theory of continental drift supports the belief that the Earth's continents once were a single land mass. This land mass, which was named "Pangaea", broke up, and it's various parts drifted away from one another. Centuries ago, trips around the world from travelers showed out lines from every continent around the world. Later on, early mapmakers wondered why these continents fit together so well. Early geologist thought at first that the continents had started off in their places they laid in the present day. However, a meteorologist constructed a theory that would change the way people would look at the world. The Theory Of Continental Drift is a theory that proves that the continents were once joined together making only one single landmass. This theory was proposed by a meteorologist by the name of Alfred Wegener. His theory states that the continents were once one and have drifted apart. Wegener named this land mass “Pangaea”, which translates “All Lands” Then he gathered evidence from around the world from landforms, fossils, and climate. He then gathered his evidence and put it in a book titled “The Origin of Continents and Oceans” which was published in 1915. But Wegener’s theory was rejected because he could not provide evidence on the force that moved the continents. One piece of evidence from an ice age shows us that continental drift actually happened. One of the Earth’s ice ages is called Permo Carboniferous, It’s large glacial sediments had covered many countries. These glacial sediments covered South America, Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, India, Antarctica, and Australia. Permo Carboniferous happened about two hundred and fifty million years ago and was discovered by A.G. Smith in 1997. This is important, because these continents could not all have been frozen while they were apart. So, Permo
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