The Symbolism Of Quilts In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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QUIILTS The short story Everyday use by Alice walker, the main person in the story is Mama. She had two adult daughter, there name are Maggie and Dee. The short story focused on the bonds between women of different generation and the connection is strong, emotionally as well for Dee. This short story took place on Mama's yard is a private space is like an extended living room. Mama and Maggie have very different ideas about generation about the quilts from Dee point of view. The conflict to make the point that the substance of an object, and of people, is more important than style. The quilts is a symbols of the family national heritage of honor and pride in her life. Maggie knows how her grandmamma made the quilt…show more content…
She comes across as showing high opinion and unfeeling, but Mamma sees even her admirable qualities as extreme and annoying. Her lack of knowledge concerning her family is symbolic of the black power movement's. She is embracing her roots where she come from, look down on her surroundings and believes herself to be above them. She is educated because she went to school in Augusta. When she return from school, she had a new identity and she change her name to Wagner. She believe that her new name shows her black pride. She became upset, believe that Maggie will ruin the quilts by putting them to use every day. She say that the priceless quilts will be destroyed. She just trying to improve herself on a new day for black American. The conflict between the two daughter over who should rightfully own the quilts and how they should use them. They should appreciate for the dasher and quilts is based on love for people who made them and used them. It is clear from her ability to associate pieces of fabric in two quilts with the people whose clothes they had been cut from. These things are reality to Maggie and the mother, the part of some fantasy to Dee. It can be resolved the conflict because they can agree for a solution for
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