The Role Of Steroids In Baseball

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Jacob Santiago Mrs. Murphy 4/18/12 Steroids In Baseball Steroids do not just effect the players in baseball they also effect the fans. Steroids have the most effect on the players of the game. Steroids can also effect the fans of the game. There have been many controversies about how the statistics where being made for players who are using steroids. Finally does steroids has a major effect on the players skill or is it just the skill of the game that is making people so much better? As America's national pastime, baseball has played a major role in American culture. It is among the oldest and most popular sports in the United States. A distinct originality follows it that has always been with the game. Families come together…show more content…
There are many forms of steroids. Many of the steroids that players are using are performance enhancing drugs. The reason that the players are using the drugs are because they want to be able to be better then everyone on there team and everyone on the other teams. Steroids are supposed to make you lose weight and gain muscle. When a baseball player gains muscle it make the player be an all around better player because baseball is a game is strength and skill. If a player has more strength and skill they will be able to hit the ball further and they would be able to throw the ball a lot harder and further. Most of the time in baseball when players start to take steroids it is normally given to them by there team trainer. Most of the time the trainers don’t tell the players that they are giving them steroids they often just put it into an energy drink and give it to the player so the player will not think it is steroids. There are a few cases where players will take the steroid with out anyone knowing. Those are normally the players who start to abuse it and start to become to stronger then the coaches want there players to be. Normally the players who abuse the drug are the one who break all the records and get all the credit for being the best at the game but it is only the steroids that are making the player better then everyone…show more content…
Steroids are unhealthy and they damage internal body parts of people that use them. Using a steroid may severely jeopardize the health of its users. It can cause liver problems, which could in turn lead to liver failure, and causes chemical unbalances which bring about rage, and in turn can cause the user to be a threat to others around them. It has a list of side effects that harm many but is most dangerous to younger people. Steroid use in high schools is only continuing to increase. Because of increased athletic competition the number of steroid users only grows larger, and with more people using steroids there are more people getting hurt by their effects. Steroids are harming a whole new generation of athletes that could otherwise be great. These steroids in turn bring the careers of many to an early end. Steroids are ruining a whole generation of athletes with their harmful side
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