The Road Not Taken Response

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EN 111 – Rhetoric II November 2, 2010 “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost – Response I have personally enjoyed this poem since the sixth grade. Many have seen this as in inspirational message and even placed on greeting cards. Often this poem is associated with pictures, because of the great descriptive use of words that Robert Frost uses. Frost uses a four stanza format with the perfect use of rhyming to convey his message. He also twists in some tricky order of word use to make it difficult to read through without having to stop and re-read a line. To me, his imagery portrays the perfect procession into the woods on a beautiful autumn day. The use of the adjective yellow really makes the entire poem for me. There are many interpretations of what the poem actually means. Some feel that the sigh near the end is a sigh of relief because choosing the path less taken made all the difference in a positive way. Others argue that the sigh was that of disappointment. Looking further into the tone and the use of yellow, a color often associated with hope and happiness, I feel that the theme is a positive, encouraging one. When asked about the writing of the poem and what the sigh meant, Frost stayed true to personal interoperation as he would not answer one way or another. With this poem, one must come to the two paths and decide to take the road everyone else has taken, or to take the path that has been less traveled. Only then, will the reader be able to decide if the sigh was a sigh of relief or not, and what difference was actually
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