The Road Not Taken

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“The Road Not Taken” In a person's life people make many decisions that have to be made. Such as, choosing to spend time hanging out with friends or to spend time studying for exams. The decisions we make are based on our priorities. The person who chooses to hang out with friend’s values their friendship over their education, meanwhile, the person who chooses to study for their exams values their education. A person's decision makes one life different from others. In the poem, "The Road Not Taken" Robert Frost uses a metaphor, imaginary, and the structure of the poem to tell the reader that the road he or she chooses might be the right or wrong one, but it will make all the difference in their lives. Frost uses the metaphor to show that the choice impacts his life. In the beginning of the poem "Two roads diverge in a yellow wood", Robert has to choose between two diverging roads, and he has to decide which road he will take to reach his destination. At the end of the poem, the speaker says "and that has made all the difference". This quote is implying that the road chosen is the turning point that made his life different from all the rest. The imaginary in the poem illustrates how important the decision he or she makes impacts their life. We have hard times deciding what we should choose to reach the road we want to go on. We often question ourselves is this to be the right or wrong road were taking such as when Robert Frost writes "two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travels both". Since the road in the wood is yellow we can picture this as autumn. When leaves change color and life starts to die. The passage makes the reader see that the decision Robert Frost is making is a difficult one. As the poem continues it says "green and wanted wear". With the green we can picture the Robert is saying that there is life. Comparing the yellow, to

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