The Reluctant Fundamentalist Samp Essay

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Changez's journey is personal as well as political.Do you agree? ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’ is a dramatic monologue, half -conversation and half story, a complex and engaging puzzle which challenges readers about the very nature of fundamentalism. The protagonist, Changez, is a Pakistani who makes his home in the elite and prestigious world of New York city with an established and respected American identity. At the beginnning of his personal life journey, and as a self professed ‘lover’ of America , he sees his newly adopted ‘home’ as a place of "possibility"and "magical vibrancy",and his relationship with Erica is a symbolic measure of his loyalty to America. However, during a series of psychologically confronting events, Changez’s understanding of his inner world is gradually transformed, and he eventually accepts that he belongs in Pakistan. His love affair with the"dream"-America is over. Nevertheless, it is a long and arduous task for Changez, as he seeks to discover a sense of his own self and of the internal connections between his personal and political ideology. Changez's life journey encompasses his understanding of the need for spiritual development.As a"reluctant fundamentalist", Changez is forced to strip back the layers of his personal and professional life to see his situation with more clarity. This new clarity also reveals something fundamental about America that he, and perhaps readers, must come to terms with in the course of the novel. At the beginning of the novel, Changez describes his new life in America as ‘coming home’. He is proud of his induction into the prestigious "meritocracy" of New York. As a Princeton student and a member of Underwood Samson, a ‘boutique’ valuation company, he delights in his new identity, formed and shaped by the corporate culture of New York and this somewhat overconfident and self-righteous attitude

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