The Pros And Cons Of Science And Technology

292 Words2 Pages
Science and technology has no doubt revolutionized the world. Since the industrial revolution, where new inventions were plentiful, people has started to focus on science and technology to try find new methods to do things. Science and technology may seem like the best way for the world to move forward, but it has its cons. Before I discuss about the cons of Science and technology, I would talk about its pros. Firstly, Science and Technology has helped people to do work quicker, and this has helped the world to move at a faster pace. Let me start off we giving a scenario. Your boss asked you to write a 4000 word report on the productivity of the company you are working at. All you need to do, is to compute all the data using the easy search tool, and consolidate them, completing the report. In the past, can you imagine how a person is going to cope if he has to do things manually? Writing the report itself will take 5 hours! As you can see, people can now complete their work at a faster pace. It means that they can now complete more work at the same amount of given time. For example, in factories, say a shirt manufacturing company, workers no need to weave the cloth manually and create a shirt. Due to Science and technology, it is possible to create machines that can aid in doing that. Machines are much faster than man, and thus more shirts can be made. How is this beneficial? Increased productivity means more work is done, and that means that more money can be made. When more money is made, the economy grows. This economy benefit will also result in the society
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