The Perspective of Wrongness

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The Perspective of Wrongness Kathryn Schulz’s “Two Models of Wrongness,” focuses on two aspects of error which are optimistic and pessimistic errors. Schulz argues that this model can give a person a better understanding toward the two models of wrongness in both optimistic and pessimistic views. From this model of wrongness she limits the possibility of wrongness by having only two sides and not having some middle ground for anything that can’t be placed on one side of these two models. Could there be other models of wrongness other than the two that Schulz mentions that don’t focus on a binary view? In this essay I’ll explore the reasons why someone would disagree with her about her two models. Kathryn Schulz’s two models of wrongness is binary, only having two polar opposite sides; one end being optimistic and the other being pessimistic. Optimism requires the thought that all doors have handles and can be opened and to also never look at the glass as being half empty but half full. By looking at the glass being half full would be having a good outlook on life no matter what negativity comes your way. Optimism is to believe that you’ll always overcome adversity, and never let negativity triumph over positivity. For example, a person getting stranded in the desert, not giving up and having a sense of hope that they will be saved or that they will survive the predicament. This person would have an optimist view toward this particular situation. A pessimistic person thinks negatively about situations. This is the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only on the bad or undesirable outcome of any type of situation or what may come. Instead of the glass being half full a person would focus on the glass being half empty and all doors will have locks. This being said, a pessimistic person is always looking for chinks in the amour of authority, always

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