The Negative Effects Of Combat On Soldiers

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The Negative Effects of Combat on Soldiers War has existed since the beginning of time. Over the course of time countless soldiers have been exposed to combat, and with time combat has evolved. Although technology has advanced and weapons have changed, war can still be gruesome. Today, American soldiers are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight in the global war against terror. The men and women currently deployed to these areas frequently engage in combat, and regularly witness injuries, trauma, and death. Even if a person tries not to internalize the horrific events they experience, they will likely be changed by war. Soldiers are negatively affected by combat; many return from war with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, alcoholism, and suicidal thoughts. Some soldiers return from war with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to the article "What Is Combat PTSD?”, Diagnosing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be hard because soldiers view reporting their symptoms as a sign of weakness (What, 1). This makes it difficult to get an accurate idea of exactly how many men and women return from war with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder often relive the horrendous events they have experienced in combat. Behaviors of this disorder can take on many forms. Sufferers may have a hard time relaxing, experience anxiety, and they often battle depression. The symptoms can vary in severity and may also get progressively worse over time. It is important for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to be properly diagnosed, because there are treatments available. If left untreated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be deadly. After returning from deployments in combat zones, some soldiers turn to substances such as alcohol to help them cope with life. There are many reasons why people drink excessively, and one

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