The Media Influence On Dieting

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The Media Influence On Dieting As technology advances and media choices increase, people are becoming more and more influenced by social ideals through these broadcast agencies. In today’s media, much attention has been given to the use of stereotyping for its influence on the importance of thinness and attractiveness, especially for young women. The fact that the media are constantly portraying thin women as desirable and successful (e.g. supermodels and actresses) has manipulated an immense number of people, especially women, into the “I must be thin” obsession. Ultimately, the media send out a cultural message that losing weight and being thin is a feminine thing to do these days. However, varying types of media process the dieting information differently, resulting different effects on the audience. In this essay, I am going to use a television beer commercial and a pro-ana weblog to represent how different medium manipulate viewers’ thoughts and emotions toward body images and losing weight by undergoing the process of “social imagination” and “social construction”. I am going to evaluate the beer commercial as a for-profit but non-interactive media; and the weblog as a non-profit but interactive media. Part I Comparison of Media Much of today’s television programs have been given rise to the amount of advertisements. This span of television programming is a type of for-profit media paid by organizations who wants to convey a message. The vast majority of television advertisements use actresses who are young and thin to gain attention and attract customers. Canadian media researcher Gregory Fouts reports “over three-quarters of the female characters who appeared on TV are underweight, and only one in twenty are above average in size”. (Media Awareness Network, 2008) A Tui beer TV commercial (2007) uses a male
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