The Making Of e Grat President

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The Making of a Great President Carlos Albizu University LEADERSHIP GEB314 CASE INCIDENT 1: The Making of a Great President Question 1: Do you think leaders in other contexts (business, sports, and religion) exhibit the same qualities as great U.S. presidents? I strongly believe that leaders with other credentials may not exhibit, the same leadership and management skills as a great U.S. president. Perhaps a team coach can take risk decision, based on his/her player personal risk, although U.S. president may not take any personal risk decision in certain suctions which involves economy, environment and society. Moreover a leader in religion may exhibit unconventional behavior, but which way not a good quality for U.S president to exhibit, Leaders in religion tend to be focus in their religion, and what benefits are in need for them, and this can provoke in a presidential level a chaos for the country. Question 2: How important do you think charisma is to a president’s greatness? Charisma is important to a president, specially when he/she is dealing with the campaign or re-election, unfortunately people see a good president that include charisma into their speech, for some reason make them feel comfortable however it is not that much important for president’s greatness. A president’s greatness is not only set by charisma it is also involved with other such as experience in other position related to government. A high charisma president needs a good situation to influence supporters. A charisma president can influence his followers with his vision and articulation. Followers attribute extraordinary leadership abilities when they observer charisma leader behavior. Question 3: Do you think being in the right place at the right time could influence presidential greatness? Yes I think being in the right place at right time could influence
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