The Lovely Bones

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The Lovely Bones The movie opens with “My name is Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.” This was a proclamation that led me to believe this movie was going to be good, and it did not disappoint. The Lovely Bones was directed by Peter Jackson, based on the novel by Alice Sebold. You might also have heard of Peter Jackson from directing Lord of the Rings. The Lovely Bones and Lord of the Rings are both similar in their fantasy and dazzling imagery. Though The Lovely Bones is different. This movie takes on a story about a fourteen year old girl, Susan (Susie) Salmon, who is lured into an underground clubhouse that her neighbor, Mr. Harvey, built. This is where he raped, murdered, and dismembered Susie. After she is murdered, Susie is stuck in the “in- between”, not quite alive on earth, but not free in Heaven. In the “in between” there is all the other girls that Mr. Harvey has raped and murdered as well. Some of the actors in this movie include Saoirse Ronan as Susie Salmon, and Stanley Tucci as George Harvey. The most interesting character to me in this movie would have to be Mr. Harvey played by Stanley Tucci. Tucci is incredibly creepy, weird, and awkward as Mr. Harvey and his interactions with people are some of the best parts of the movie. Ronan is also quite great as Susie Salmon, I feel she captured the innocence of the character but had the maturity to carry the movie. Peter Jackson did a great job casting actors. In the end I really enjoyed this movie. Jackson equally balanced the feelings of grief, anger, and even happiness and warmth into this movie. It was suspenseful and entertaining to watch. Putting all the acting, plot line and the overall quality of the movie, I give this movie thumbs

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