The Influences of Organized Religion

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The Influences of Organized Religion According to Fisher, (2014), "We attempt to connect with organized religion through complexes of leaders, beliefs, rituals, symbols, myths, scriptures, ethics, spiritual practices, cultural components, historical traditions, and management structures. They are basically an abstraction that is used in the attempt to bring some kind of order to the study of religious patterns that are in fact complex, diverse, ever-changing, and overlapping" (p. 2). Without theology or historical references which includes direct experiences are complicated to express either through the use of words, artistic images, or through melodious music (Fisher, 2014). Religion can be changes that will include changes in an individual and the society in which they live. People take their religion very seriously which portrays significance in the archives of their livelihood. They govern their religion with everything they have. It has become the foundation which permeates through the existence of their life altogether. An influential example can be found in the works of a nineteenth-century philosopher named, Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872). He developed a theory he reasoned that deities are simply projection objectifications of human qualities such as power, wisdom, and love onto an imagined cosmic deity outside ourselves. Then we worship it as Supreme and do not recognize that those same qualities lie within ourselves, instead we see ourselves as weak and sinful. He provided this theory in particular reference to Christianity as he had seen it (Fisher, 2014). Reference Fisher, M. P. (2014). Living religions (9th ed.) Pp. 34, 36. New Jersey:
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