The Importance of Frederick Banting

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The Historical Significance of Frederick Grant Banting Today, insulin is one of the most essential things to diabetics and has played a huge part in how diabetes is controlled today. The discovery of insulin was a long road for Frederick Banting. Along with another medical student, the two and theory that had been developing in the back of Banting’s mind, led them to this great discovery. Frederick Banting is significant to Canadian History because of his work in the field of diabetes. In Frederick Banting’s earlier life during his studies, he took an interest in diabetes. The only knowledge at this time was that a lack of a hormone created in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas was the reason for diabetes. This is what was thought until Banting had done more research. Once Banting had done more research, he discovered that the Islets of Langerhans were creating the insulin; this wasn’t the problem. The insulin that the Islets had been creating was being destroyed by proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes are located all throughout the pancreas, keeping the insulin from ever leaving. He then came to the conclusion that he needed to figure out how to extract the insulin before it was destroyed. In a rare case from 1920, Banting noticed an autopsy that showed that pancreatic stones had blocked the pancreatic duct but the Islets of Langerhans were unaffected. He speculated that if the pancreas was given time to degenerate, the secretion of the Islets of Langerhans could be extracted. He realised that it was possible to kill the rest of the pancreas without destroying the Islets of Langerhans. This was all the proof and information he needed to continue on with his research. By this time, Banting had received a partner. Charles Best, a medical student at the University of Toronto was assigned as Banting’s assistant. The two decided to conduct their

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