The Hidden Life Of Garabage

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Tyrone Johnson Eng-101-85 10-6-2010 Description The Hidden Life of Garbage According to “The hidden Life of Garbage,” Heather Rogers provides a detailed description of a giant landfill in central Pennsylvania and asks readers to think about the ramifications of accumulating so much trash. Roger’s contends that our society’s throwaway lifestyle results in accumulation of excessive amounts of trash. Background on waste disposal estimated that the average American generates 4.5 pounds of trash everyday. Rogers also states ”Land dumping has long been the favored disposal method in the U.S. thanks to the relative low cost of burial and North America’s abundant supply of unused acreage”. Heather Rogers describes the location of the GROWS landfill, the landfills “working face” plus “Cells”, and the state-of-the-art landfills. Heather Roger describes the location of GROWS landfill in central Pennsylvania. She states “GROWS landfill is located just outside Morrisville, Pennsylvania- in the docile river valley near where Washington momentously crossed Delaware leading his troops into Trenton in 1776.” Upon that very location rest 300-feet-high garbage where are society’s waste quickly unravels. She also notes, that GROWS is located in a rural area that receives much of their rubbish from urban centers that no longer bury their own trash. For example, GROWS was the single largest recipient of New York City’s garbage in Pennsylvania. This is why Heather Rogers believes landfills are tucked away, on the edge of town, in places that the public is not meant to see. In addition, Rogers goes on to describe where the dumping takes place; referred to as the “working face” and “Cells.” The “working face” is where you will find a thirty-acre nightmare, populated with: trailer trucks, yellow earthmovers, compacting machines, steamrollers, and water tankers. Rogers

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