The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

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Marxist Critique of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas “Marxist criticism is a type of criticism in which literary works are viewed as the product of work and whose practitioners emphasize the role of class and ideology as they reflect, propagate, and even challenge the prevailing social order. Rather than viewing texts as repositories for hidden meanings, Marxist critics view texts as material products to be understood in broadly historical terms. In short, literary works are viewed as a product of work (and hence of the realm of production and consumption we call economics).” Theodore Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, published ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in 1957. Back in the 50’s, North America was starting to buy in (literally) to the commercialization of Christmas. The event of celebration that it had been for over a thousand years was descending into a money-making ploy by the corporations of the world. In fact, the Santa Claus we know today was shaped by the multi-billion dollar corporations. As we all know, when Dr. Seuss wrote his books, he most often included a theme, or ‘moral of the story’ as a guide for young children to help them learn important values. In his work, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, Dr. Seuss openly protested the commercialization of Christmas. His work is very obviously Marxist-based, as it spoke clearly on issues of discrimination and misplaced values. Dr. Seuss could be interpreted as protesting against this exploitation of the public by the capitalists and corporations, by creating a work that states that ““Maybe Christmas, doesn’t come from a store” or “Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”. The version of Christmas we know now, based on giving and receiving expensive purchases, was nothing more than an incredibly clever marketing gimmick by major corporations, which is essentially the upper class. In his work,
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