The Great Gatsby: Daisy Buchanan

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Daisy Buchanan: The Beautiful Little Fool “Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth” (Fitzgerald 13-14). Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is expected to be the girl of Gatsby’s dreams. The first time the narrator, Nick Carraway, reunites with Daisy, he describes her as an angel, “wearing a white, fluttering dress” and acting as if she were “upon an anchored balloon” (Fitzgerald 12). This gives the reader a positive judgement toward Daisy. However, as the novel advances, her true character begins to unveil. Daisy Buchanan is seen as the true villain in The Great Gatsby for her materialism, selfishness, and extreme greed. One of the many questions the reader has about Daisy is why she tolerates her husband, Tom Buchanan’s, infidelities. And although according to Glenn Settle in “Fitzgerald's Daisy: The Siren Voice,” both “Daisy and Tom are careless people” (118), Daisy is shockingly more ruthless. In “Her Story and Daisy Buchanan,” writer Leland Person states, “Daisy expresses the same desire to escape the temporal world” (251). It is not that she wants to escape the real world, but that she would much rather deal with her rich spouse's unloyalty, than start her life over independently. Why live an entire life unhappy? In Miss. Buchanan’s opinion, the only way to survive is through a wealthy man. This exposes one of Daisy’s many weaknesses: her dependence on others. When she comes to the realization that Gatsby would have given her more than Tom, she begins to cry: “‘They're such beautiful shirts,’ she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. ‘It makes me sad because I've never seen such – such beautiful shirts before’” (Fitzgerald 118-119). His clothing symbolizes the wealth and happiness Daisy could have had, which is why she is distraught when she acknowledges Gatsby’s success.
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