The Great Depression Research Paper

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The Great Depression of (1929-1939) And the current United States economic situation What is the Depression? Depression is some thing that is very severe to the economic that downturn that lasts for several years. The last time the U. S economy has experienced a depression was since The Great Depression of 1929, which had lasted for about 10 years. The GDP growth rates were a magnitude not since 1930 of -8.6 percent, 1931 of -6.4 percent, 1932 of -19 percent and in 1933 of -1.3 percent. While the Depression going on the unemployment was 25 percent and wages for people who still had jobs fell almost to 42 percent. The total of the U.S. economic output fell from $103 to $ 55 billion and the world plummeted 65 percent as measured…show more content…
The Great Depression devastates national economies, threw millions out of work, and contributed to the outburst of World War II. In Seattle and King County, the Depression resulted in tens of thousands unemployed and underemployed, the recurrence of organized labor, and a redefinition of state politics. The most stable symbols of the hard times were the shanty towns called Hoovervilles, thrown up by the homeless. The improvement programs under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt created a collection of public works projects from parks to dams to public housing. The tough times finished with the rapid growth in employment and government spending for World War…show more content…
There are many reasons why experts say that the U.S. is actually in a recession right now. A few reasons are that the GDP is slowing, Businesses are expanding more slowly, Employment is falling, and housing prices are down by 10 percent and the stock market crash and subsequent economic downturn in 2000. With this happen it was not a recession in technical terms because the GDP growth was negative in the Q3 2000, Q1 2001, and Q3 2001, not of which were consecutive. But anyone that lived through it knows that it felt like a recession during all that time. In face, the GDP growth did not reach 3 percent or over unit Q3 2003. One good thing about a recession is that it will cure inflation. The balancing act the Federal Reserve must pursue that is it is to slow for the economic growth enough to prevent inflation without triggering a recession. As of now it must do this without the help of the fiscal policy, which is generally trying to stimulate the economy as mush as possible through the lowering taxes, spending on social programs and ignoring current account
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