The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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The fall of the house of usher is a short story written by Edgar Allen Poe. There are many interpretations of the title. One of the interpretations of the title is the actual house of Roderick Usher collapsing. Roderick is the main character of this short story. He sends a letter to a long time friend because he is ill mentally and emotionally. The unnamed narrator is his long time friend whom he doesn’t know that well, does not decline his invitation. He goes to the Usher mansion on a dark, soundless day and is spooked out. The mansion inside is just dark, gloomy, as the outside. He realizes that the house is just as bad as Roderick’s health. Roderick lives in the mansion with his sister, Madeline, which is ill as well. They both die by killing each other. The narrator escapes and the house of Usher collapsed behind him. The dank tarn at his feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the House of Usher. Another is the “house” or the family being destroyed because of the two remaining family members. The narrator knows that only one person from each generation has survived in the Usher family. Madeline, Roderick’s sister, is the only member that survives with him. Roderick’s behavior is insane and the narrator tries to bring him back to normal by reading him poems by Sir Launce lot Canning, Roderick is obsessed with these poems. Soon his sister dies by an unusual sickness and Roderick convinces the narrator to help him bury her body in a tomb underneath the mansion. While they were burying her, the narrator finds out that Roderick and Madeline were twins. Then the narrator to calm Roderick down read him the poem of Mad Trist, while he’s reading he starts hearing noises and Madeline appears at the door. They buried her alive and she wants vengeance by killing her brother. Both Roderick and Madeline died the last two members of the house of
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