The Demise of Democracy (an Analysis of Social Themes in Lord of the Flies)

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The Demise of Democracy 1. Since the dawn of man, humans have appointed rulers and leaders to govern and guide society and to enforce rules specific to society. Throughout history, political and social leaders have been revered, feared, and sometimes even worshiped. Politics have inspired the rise of many a great leader (Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill) and some leaders who created atrocious legacies for their society (Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin). Whether it was through martial force, trickery, or legitimate election, one way or another these people came to power. One of the most successful social systems in practical use today for appointing leaders is social democracy. By dictionary definition democracy is : “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives” (Oxford dictionary) or in more simpler terms, a social system integrated into society which allows the people participating to have a say in decisions made by society, through a vote or through an elected representative. Three basic principles that are fundamental to the democratic approach and must be followed by all participants of the democratic system for it to function are: firstly, Civil democracy requires the respect of other people’s rights, opinions, and ideas. Secondly, Democratic ruling insists on the participation of all who are part of the system in making decisions or the adherence to the decisions of one’s elected representative, and thirdly, the rule of law; everyone is equal under the law. In the novel the Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses social allegory to depict the rise, development, and fall of a society based around democracy, which was instigated by Ralph with the help of Piggy. Whether it was the disrespect of the fundamental

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