The American Revolution: What Is The American Identity?

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The American Identity What is an identity? Is an identity one owns characteristics or is it what society thinks of an individual and therefore has created and molded in that certain identity? Identity is formed by society but when defining what American consists of there are several controversies because there is not a set type ethnicity for America. Instead America is a big melting pot. Even though 

Since the time of the American Revolution, a frequently asked question is "What is this man, this American?" One can compare an American of the 21st century to a strong river formed by the two streams: the original colonials who settled the new continent and the immigrants who came in trickles and torrents, bringing their culture with them. Religious freedom was the…show more content…
But in that time "men" referred to white male property owners. Over time the government considered all white men equal, and then black men were also included in this category. And yet after yet some more time, women were soon provided the same rights as men. Gradually, was political power taken out of the hands of the wealthy and members of the Senate determined by popular vote. This power went directly to the people, not only that of the upper class.

In America, citizens are accustomed to their government having the responsibility of serving their needs rather than people serving their rulers. Originally, the king could take rights away without question. In contrast, the American Constitution limited power of the government over the individual, The Bill of Rights even protects the individual from the tyranny of the majority. The three branches of government make America immune from too much power to one individual. Education is valued and since the citizens are self-governed, considered a necessity. Thus, America provides public education, ensuring the power of knowledge to all. 

The American citizen of the 21st century then is the proud recipient of three centuries

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