Television Then and Now

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Television Then and Now Television has evolved tremendously over the years in many different ways. TV broadcasts began as early as 1928, with color TV being introduced in 1954, although the earliest TV sets were almost unrecognizable as TVs compared to TVs nowadays. The designs, shapes, sizes, features, etc. have improved and changed vastly. You no longer have to watch TV on a television either, and the diversity in types of TVs and channels and shows is enormous. The most obvious changes in television then and now are the physical attributes. The earliest TVs looked like large wooden boxes with tiny screens. The screen made up a very small portion of the TV itself, whereas TVs nowadays are made up almost completely of the screen. Besides the tiny screen, early TVs had dials for changing the channel, volume, and an on/off switch. Modern TVs don’t even have controls on the television itself a lot of the time! Things like on/off, volume control and channel selection are done with a remote the majority of the time. Something like a 72 inch flat-screen TV inside a home theatre could never have been dreamed of until only recently. First of all, the dominant technology used for screens used to be cathode-ray tube. They are not flat screens and they cannot display high definition content. They are also much bigger and thicker. Although cathode-ray tube screens are still around today, the dominant screen technology used today is either LCD or plasma, which are have flat screens and can be as little as 1 inch thick. Since the 1970s, there has also been rear projection technology, which is usually used for very large screens, and this technology has steadily improved since then. The sound quality emitted by televisions has improved vastly since the first TVs, as well as the picture quality. The earliest TVs did not have color, and even once color television was invented,

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