Symbolism Is Lord of the Flies

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Symbols are what make a novel interesting, without symbols there would nothing to discuss about a novel, nothing to debate. Symbols change it from ‘what happened?’ to ‘what does it mean?’ “Golding’s Lord of the Flies combines the best features of realistic and allegorical fiction; the novel allows for the simultaneous operation of the factual and the fabular” (Dickson 12). Symbols give the reader an image that they can apply to an idea. Symbols help the reader understand more complex themes. Symbols help the reader relate to what happens in any certain novel. William Golding uses so many significant symbols in his novel Lord of the Flies in order to make the reader feel closer to the island and all its inhabitants. Three of the most significant themes in Lord of the Flies are; Hope and Rescue, The Beast, and Civility vs. Barbarity. These themes each have several symbols to represent them, the symbols in Lord of the Flies make it easier to understand and therefore easier for the audience to relate. The theme of hope and rescue is prominent throughout the entire novel Lord of the Flies. From the beginning when all the boys cared about was finding away off the island , until the very end when Ralph was the only one left who cared about escaping the island. The first symbol of hope and rescue is the signal fire. The signal fire is the main concern for Ralph and Piggy throughout the novel as they are the two characters who are most hopeful of being rescued. The signal fire is a symbol for hope and rescue because the smoke produced from it is the only way for the boys on the island to contact people in the outside world. If it wasn’t for Jack’s lack of hope of rescue (his lack of hope causes him to concern himself with things other than the fire), the boys would likely have been rescued by the passing boat. When the boat sails by the island in chapter 4 it does not
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