Symbolism and Imagery in the Road to Chlifa

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Object/Event Symbol or Image Connection to Text Quote In the boughs of the Juniper Tree Poem Symbol/ Image - The tree is where Maha is buried. It is her final resting place and she finally makes it to Chlifa. - The words of the song give the reader and understanding of Karim’s overwhelming guilt and the description of the tree gives the reader a sense of peace for Maha. “It’s a beautiful name. And a beautiful tree […] the murmur of the wind in the juniper tree” (131) List of 21 Things Symbol - Karim’s acceptance of his new life. His adjustment to Montreal is complete. Page 141 Nada’s Death Image - the image of the destruction and horror of war. Destruction of buildings and loss of human life causes Karim to lose a relationship and hope for his future. “ He turns the corner and comes to a […] He doesn’t want to believe her. He must not believe her. (49) Journey to Chlifa Symbol - The journey is a difficult physically but it also leads to a difficult spiritual journey for Karim. - Causes Karim to mature and gain a new perspective on life. - He gains awareness of the suffering of others. “On Maha’s map nothing looks easier[…] Karim regrets that he isn’t more up to date on the situation. (63) The Goat Symbol - Foreshadows Maha’s end and is similar to Maha’s personality. (stubborn, impulsive) - The goats dash for freedom kills her like Maha’s “dash for freedom”. “ Taking advantage of those few seconds, the goat runs off […] its echo reverberates along the valley.

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